Grand Bazaar

I n front of this market, all the ships of the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, and almost all the ships of the ancient world would dock, one after the other, at the port in the Golden Horn, unloading and loading their cargo.

Goods were bought and sold by all the tradesmen of the ancient world in this bazaar.

Along the Golden Horn, within the coastal walls, there were places providing accommodation for crews and sailors from all nations of the world, and brothels serving them.

On the other side of the Golden Horn, in the Galata region, lived those who managed the money of maritime trade.

Markets for various professionals, formerly located in the Grand Bazaar

Çuhacılar: Broadcloth makers

Örücüler: Knitters

Altuncular : Gold merchants

Astarcılar: Lining fabric merchants

Aynacılar : Mirror makers

Balyacıcılar: Bale merchants

Basmacılar : Chintz fabric merchants

Bitpazarı : Flea market(! :) ) Second hand market

Cebeciler : Gunsmith ( made and repaired weapons, developed gunpowder and prepared war equipment)

Fesçiler : Fez producers and merchants

Halıcılar : Carpet sellers

Kürkçüler : Furriers

Kaşıkçılar: Spoonbills bazaar

Kahveciler: Coffee shops

Kalcılar : Kalcılar (the 'kalcı-ramatçı' workshops that separate gold from the leftover dust of jewelers)

Kalpakçılar : Calpak (fur hood makers)

Karamanlıoğlu : Karamanlıoğlu (market for christian turks living in the Konya region, They were sent to Greece because they were considered non-Muslim in the population exchange)

It's a very sad story. )

Kavaflar : Cavafs (Tradesmen who make or sell cheap, careless and vulgar shoes, belts and wallets)

Kazazlar : Kazaz (ıt is a handicraft made from 24 carat pure gold or thousand carat pure silver wires using braiding techniques.)

Kebapçılar: Kebab shops

Keseciler : Scrub (pouch-shaped fabric used to remove dead skin by rubbing in turkish baths)

Kilitçiler : Locksmiths

Kolancılar : Girdles (flat and wide ties made of textiles, leather, hemp, etc.. Thin belts made of wool or thread, with embroidery on them.)

Koltukçular : Armchair makers

Kuyumcular: Jewelers

Mercan : Coral (those who produce ornaments using coral shells)

Muhafazacılar : Trustees

Püskülcüler : Tassel sellers

Parçacılar : Pieces (those who buy and sell scrap fabric)

Perdahçılar: Polishers

Safrancılar : Saffron merchants

Sahaflar: Secondhand booksellers

Sandalcılar : Sandalcılar (sandal fabric is a natural fabric made from silk and cotton. As a model, we can say that there are roads on it. One of these roads is silk and the other is cotton. However, it also has different patterns, especially the ones with small branches and spots. It is an expensive type of fabric.)

Sarraflar : Money changers

Sepetçiler : Basket makers

Serpuççular : Hat producers, merchants

Tacirler : Merchants guild

Takkeciler: Skullcaps (Skullcap worn by Muslims and Jews during worship.)

Tavukpazarı: Chicken market

Terlikçiler : Slippers

Terziler : Tailors

Tuğcular : Tuğ producers (tuğ, toğ or tuk is the symbol of sovereignty in the state tradition of the turkish and altai peoples. The ponytail attached to the top of the flag is in the form of a pennant made of hair.)

Varakçılar : Gold leaf makers (those who produce gold and silver leaves for decoration)

Yüncüler: Woollens

Yağcılar : Oil merchants

Yağlıkçılar : Yağlıkcılar (those who produce, buy and sell bath towels, etc.)

Yorgancılar : Quilters

Zenneciler : Zenneciler (guild of dancer men who wear women's clothes and pretend to be women)

Zincirciler: Chainsmiths
